Sunday, November 30, 2014

Easy Way to Declare Language in Blogger Platform

Declaring the default language of a website plays vital role for SEO. It helps search engines to know about the website language and they don't have to waste time detecting website language. If you want to make your blog / website SEO friendly then this is a must do. 
If you are on WordPress then you'll have built-in functionality for declaring website language but the user of blogspot/blogger are not so lucky. The people using blogger platform have to manually declare language by adding an HTML code inside your blog template. Today I'll show the easy way to do that.

Easy Way to Declare Language in Blogger Platform

The Lang attribute really helps search engines detect a websites language, So if your website is with any regional language or international then you have to declare it. Follow the step by step instruction for declaring language in blogger.

Step 1: From Blogger Dashboard, Go to Template > Edit HTML. (keep back up your template before edit)

Step 2: Search for <html 

You will find a code similar to this (it may vary by template or by more or less editing)
lang attribute
Fig 01: Code may appear like this image

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>  
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html b:version='2' class='v2'  
expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns=''
Now just copy this code given below.
lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"
and paste it in the <html> tag as shown in the Fig: 02

insert lang attribute
Fig 02: Insert code after <html

It will look something like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html b:version='2' class='v2'
lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"
expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns=''

Step 3: Save Template
US-English (en-US) is the default language attribute but if your website is of some other language then you can change en-US with the ISO code of your language.

ISO Codes for Language

If your website is of some other language then go to the link given below. There is a complete list of languages with respective ISO codes. Just replace en-US with your desired language code and Save Template.

ISO 639-1 Language Code List

So now you'll be easily able to declare your blog language using the tutorial given  above. If you think this tutorial is helpful, Please leave your comments below.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Easy Way To Use HTML Alt Tag in Image of Blogger (Blogspot) Blog?

By the demand of Optimization (SEO) you should have to maintain some standard criteria during writing a Blog post.

At the time of writing any post, if any optimization is done in order to get rank well in search engines like Yahoo, Bing and Google, then this is called On Page Optimization.
Now a day, the search engines are emphasizing on the On Page SEO more. Without any Off Page optimization, if you just do some On Page Optimization on your page; it’s enough to get higher rank in search engines. It’s proved. I experienced it on one of my Blog and doing better in SERPs.

Adding ALT Tag  in Image is one kind of On Page Optimization and that is very important part of SEO or getting higher rank.

Now, you can think yourself why the Alt Tag is so important for a Image?

Well, the so called search engines especially Google Bot can’t read the images you add on your post. Suppose, you added a image of “Pen drive” on one of your post. You added this photo because you want to tell the search engines what this post is all about. But this is really sorrowful matter is that, Google Bot won’t be able to detect your image. Search Engine Bot can’t read the image; they can read just any kind of text.

So, using ALT tag in your image means, adding a text about what kind of image you are using. In other means, if you use the ALT Tag in images; if the browser’s image load option is stopped, then your browser will show you the Alternative Text; so that you can easily understand that what the image was there.

Using Alt tag in images will increase your search engine positioning in making your blog on top on SERPs.

Suppose if you used an ALT tag on you Pen drive Image; the search engine robot would definitely detect your image that it is a pen dirve image and this post is all about a pen drive.

So, How Can I add a Alt Tag in Blogger or Blogspot Blog Post?

We can do it in tow ways.

One of them is changing HTML Code manually, It is little hard but not impossible for a newbie. If we add ALT tag for image by changing HTML code our experience of Coding will gain also.

Here the process of adding the Alt tag has been mentioned stepwise-
  1. Add an Image as usual method in your new post.
  2. Now click on the Edit HTML tab from the Post Editor Box Toolbar.
  3. Find the HTML code for your Image . Which is most likely                                                                            <img src= “”>.
    If you want to add a img Alt tag where the Alternative Text will be “SEO”. Then, just put a code like alt= “SEO” after the image source link.
    For example: <img src=” alt= “SEO” />.
    Here an Alternative Name “SEO” has been added which can be readable by the search engines.
  4. Try to use your post keyword (Just one keyword) on your Image Alt Tag. It will give you visitors from Image Search of the search engines too.
Whenever you make a new post on your Blogspot blog, then after adding an image on post, click on Edit HTML tab and inset the alt html tag manually.

If you think this way of adding ALT tag is very difficult, then you have another shortcut way.

After inserting the image in your post click on this image and then you will see a floating menu with this image.

Insert ALT tag
Image Options

There will be a option name properties. Then click on properties. Then another small popup menu will appear with title and alt field.

alt tag field
alt text: ALT Tag field
In title field write proper title of your image. And in alt field write suitable words which mostly describe your image and related with your post also. Remember it will be a most effective keyword also. It should be with one word.

Enjoy Your Blogging.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Easy Way to Submit Blogger Sitemap To Yahoo and Bing Search Engines

Sitemap submit to bing

I heard from many blogger that their blogs are not getting indexed by bing and yahoo. But they have already indexed by google. Without submit your blog sitemap to bing and yahoo you can’t expect huge traffic because they are biggest one search engine in the world. So you should introduce your blog or site to bing to getting expected traffic. But its not so heard to submit blog sitemap to bing. By this tutorial you will be able to index your blog and it’s all URL to bing successfully.

How To Submit your Sitemap To Bing?

You have to submit your blog sitemap to bing only. Not to yahoo. It will do the remaining job. Lets do it step by step.......

STEP 01: Login to  Bing Webmaster Tools with your Hotmail or Outlook  Account.

STEP 02:  Add your main URL of your blog and click on Add button as shown in the Fig: 01
Submit sitemap
Fig 01: Add Main URL to Bing Webmaster
STEP 03: Now click on SUBMIT A SITEMAP and Copy these code bellow and paste into Add a Sitemap field on next page as shown in the fig:00
Bing Webmaster tools
Fig 02: Adding Sitemap to Bing Webmaster
Note:  [] Change this with your blog main URL every where in this post.

STEP 04:  Click on Add Button.

STEP 05:  Now you have to verify your  blog ownership by adding meta tag in your blog.

Bing  webmaster tool will give three options to verify. You you have to be verified with second option

STEP 06:  Copy the Meta Tag which is given in bing  webmaster tool at second option and perform below steps:
             o Login your blogger account  Dashboard>> Template>>Edit HTML
             o Find the <head> Tag and paste meta tag just under it
             o Save the template and 
sitemap for bing
Fig 03: Copy highlighted meta tag line
STEP 07:   Go back to Bing Webmaster Tools account  and click  on Verify button.
Thats all. You have successfully submitted your sitemap to bing. Now you are freed from worry. Your 500 post or link will be indexed by bing.

But if you have more than 500 post or link. I hope one good day your post or link will cross the number 1000/ 1500 or more. What will happen then? 

Then do some additional task>>>>>
STEP 08:   Login your bing  webmaster account again and go to dashboard click on SUBMIT A SITEMAP.

For Posts between 501 to 1000

For Posts between 1001 to 1500


It will take few days, sometimes three days, to induce index your blog posts. In this way you can add more and more sitemap to bing.

Now your blog is prepared to realize organic traffic from Yahoo and Bing. Congrats

Please share this tutorial with others so that others can be benefited by this tutorial. If you need any thing more about this let me know by comment. Thank you. Enjoy now your blogging.

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Simple Way to Create a Navigation/Menu bar in blogger

You have published a blog which have some good content. But when you compare it with other they have a well organized Menu Bar on there blog. Then you must think you should make like that....... isn't it?
Its not a very big deal for an expert.  But .... Are you an expert? Remember ...This post is not for an expert. It will be helpful for a newbie.
You can easily create a Menu Bar in your blog by simply adding a gadget and codes. You don't need to know huge HTML or CSS codes for that.

To Create Menu Bar Follow these Steps

Step-01: Login your blogger and go to Dashboard
Step-02: Click on Layout

Step-03: Click  Add a gadget
Menu bar
Fig 01: Add gadget
 Then another popup window will open. The screen will appear like Fig: 02

Step-04: Now add HTML/JavaScript Gadget from here as shown in Fig 02
Navigation Bar
Fig 02: Select HTML/JavaScript Gadget
Now the configure screen will appear like Fig: 03
Fig 03: Gadget Configuration Page

Step 05: Leave the title blank.
Step 06: Copy this code bellow

<br />
ul {
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

li {
    display: inline;

      <li><a href="your link">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="your link">About Us</a></li>
      <li><a href="your link">Contact Us</a></li>
      <li><a href="your link">Your Button Name</a></li>

paste this in content field
    >>For your Home Button you must put your main URL instead of "your link".

    >>For your About Us Button you must create a page before  named About Us and you must put About us page link respective "your link". 

    >>For the Contact Us Button Same thing will be done respectively.
    >>You can add more button in your Menu Bar by this process. as shown in the red link.
    >>When you finished then  --
    Step 07: Click Save and enjoy your new Menu bar

    Additional Important Note:

    You must drag and drop your Gadget in a suitable place of your blog where you want to see your Menu.

    If you think this post is helpful please share it.

    Saturday, November 8, 2014

    How to Add Meta Tag by writng code in Blogspot

    Meta Tag

    Meta Tags :

    Why should I use meta tag in my blog?

    What's the use of them?

     Before learn how to do we must learn why should we do. Meta tags are not the code of displaying something on your page. Your visitors can't see them. But these codes will introduce your blog with search engines.
    It will tell the search engines which type of blog or site it is, what type of content carry it, who is the author of this blog or website. With this your blog will be well intimate to the search engines. 

    The way of adding codes:  

     Before Customize any code you must get the backup of your template for your safety. If your editing goes wrong then upload your template which you got before by getting backup. All problems gone. if not then then you have successfully edited your codes. 

    At first log in your blogger account and then go to Dashboard then click on template as shown in the fig: 01

    insert meta tag 
    Fig: 01

    Then the screen will appear like the fig: 02 and then click on Edit HTML button as shown in the fig: 02. 
    meta tag
    Fig 02: Click Edit HTML

    Now find  this code in HEAD section by pressing Ctrl+F as shown in the fig: 03. 

    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> 

    Add Meta tag
    Fig 03: Find this yellow highlighted code

    Now Copy and paste this code above under this line as shown in the fig: 04

    <meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
    <meta content='KEYWORDS1,
    KEYWORDS2, .......,' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='AUTHOR' name='author'/>

    Insert meta tag
    Fig 04: Insert code like red box

    Now you must change the words with Capital letter with respective values and Click on Save template


    1. Write content description in DESCRIPTION.
    2. Write content keyword in KEYWORD.
    3. write the name of author in AUTHOR.



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